So you all are probably aware of my little rant yesterday with the fool sending me email threats. I guess the gloves have to come off now. *big sigh* I was trying not to have to act a damned fool, but I guess what my Mom always told me was true: you have to beat the hell out of one bully before they leave you the hell alone.
I think now is my time to beat the bully.
Katt Williams may be one cussin' ass magically delicious micro mini pimp, but what he said, it dead on the money. Take these words and live by them: haters will hate. It's what they do.
Ladies, we see it every single day. Haters will find something to fuck with you about. You could be drop dead gorgeous, a perfect size six, flawless skin and a beautiful personality, but damn if somebody, somewhere will not hate on something about you. If it's not your hair, it's your skin. If it's not your skin, it's your clothes. Not your clothes? It's your "she think she's the shit" attitude.
Just FYI, I don't think I'm the shit, I know it *pops collar and flips hair* Act like you know, m'kay?
Ladies, haters will hate. That's what they do. Their whole mission in life is to obsess about what you do, wear, say, think, write. Then when that's done, they start thinking about who you're talking to, seeing, dating, screwing... and the cycle never ends. Haters are not limited to white, black, Mexican or Asian either. Every single race of women will hate, some are just better at spewing that venom than others. *sends the side eye of doom to my Black womens and the YT's too*
Get mad if you want, but ya'll know us sistahs can throw some serious hate at anybody who dares to be different/unique and true to themselves. *watches in amusement as heads nod* See, ya'll know I'm telling the truth.
I'm not going to lie and take the high road. I used to be one of those women until I figured out something that still tickles me to this day: I had women hating on me about stuff too! *falls out in a dead faint* Now ladies, ya'll should know that I'm not the skintiest sistah in the world. Hell, let me be honest: I'm fat. I'm fat, ya know it! Ya know! Don't you call me pudgy, portly or stout, just ta tell you once again, I'm fat! *shakes off Weird Al moment*
But just in case you wondered, in spite of my certified Big Gurl status, I still have had some fione ass men wanting to be with me, and it wasn't just Black men either. White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, Italian, you name it, and I have had it or been loved by it. I pull some fione men just by being me: flaws and all.
Anyway, I had one experience that showed me that yes, hating ass tricks will hate and mess you up if they can. Picture it: Chicago, 2000. Christmas party for my old job. One of my co-workers and I had been having some pretty good conversations for about a month or so before the party, and we decided that we'd sit together at the company Christmas Party. Well, he and I were standing together, laughing and talking, really getting in sync with each other (we were raising our drinks at the same time, moving at the same rhythm, the whole nine). We were standing there facing each other, laughing and talking and anybody could see that.
Why when my supervisor and another friend of hers saw us across the room, sure as a gun's made of iron, something was about to happen. I'm splitting my time between Robert *sigh* and watching these two with their heat seeking glare. Wouldn't you know that as soon as it seems like there was a chance Robert and I would leave together, here comes the Wicked Bitch of the West (that's what I called her. I couldn't stand her, but that's another post) and her best friend, Rum Tum Tumper (she had hair like a cat and yes, she was a White woman *snort*). These two cows preceded to insinuate themselves into our conversation, separating us before anything could really take off. I was heated, but like Katt said, "Haters will hate... that's what they do!"
Now, with all of that being said, I want to say a very heartfelt thank you to all of the ladies who posted replies in my last post encouraging me to let the haters hate and keep on keeping on:
Sara, your friendship and advice are so appreciated. Thank you so much for your support and the laughs. And don't worry Sis, I still got yo back. *pours some bleach in a squirt bottle and tucks my razor* I wish muh'fluckas would mess with you. Don't let this good English fool you... I can and will let my Inner City gangsta roll. Ack like you know!
felicity, you were right. I will be persecuted because I speak truth. I just got to develop a thicker skin. Sometimes the truth hurts, but hey, if you can't stand the heat, stay the hell out of my kitchen. I *heart* you Sis.
CW, girl, jealousy is not even strong enough to describe what these women feel for you when you even try to get a decent flow going. *SMH* at stupid girls man.
Nikki_cola: I thought imitation was a form of flattery as well, but apparently we were wrong. It's not even like this person was all that dang on eloquent, but I digress. I just know that her editor will be earning their checks.
Selena: I feel so special. Thanks for the laugh.
delish: I am on my way to your house with my taser. Red Lobster as a fine dining establishment??? *does a triple back flip wth a half pike off the roof of her house* I love you girl, and The Mammy Chronicles killded me. I'm gonna need for you to hurry up and get that published. Real talk.
And to everybody just lurking, it's cool that you are here to read, but please know this: I do not take kindly to anonymous asses on the innawebs talking shit to me or about me. But hey, I got my one hater per month quota, so a bish is a quarter of the way to her 4 haters before the summer quota. YAY-YUH!
Now, I'm closing here with something that was sent to me in an email about healing and growing into our skin. I've seen this in "Aquila and the Bee", but have never seen the poem in it's entirety. I love this quote, so here it is. It's called, "OUR DEEPEST FEAR" and it's by Marianne Williamson
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
Hate on haters! I'm still going to do and be me! And my blog will keep on keeping on, so take your hate and choke on it bitches!!! Take it away Jill! (thanks for the idea Selena!)
Peace and one love ya'll. C U N the Dawn.