Hey all. As you all know, I have been fighting the hell out of that nasty flu bug for about a week now. I'm still not completely well, but I got to thinking that it's been almost a week since last I posted anything, so here's a brand new post in your ear.
You know, I really had a hard time coming up with a post this go around. I don't know why, but sometimes it's really hard for me to come up with ideas that can stretch into a fully formed post for this blog. It's usually when I'm tired and hunting around on youtube for a little video "expiration" (Tyrant Banks' show is going to be the death of my soul) that I find gems like these and the inspiration hits like a 2 ton MAC truck.
*listens to the angels sing* Yes, I got very excited about everything this young lady had to say. Young, beautiful Black women trying to inform their sisters that dating "other" men makes me feel like all the time that ladies alike Evia, Halima, Sara, Aimee and others are putting into their blogs is truly worth it. *wipes tear* I truly love my sisters.
*dramatic lemurs* But just as the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, and gas prices continue to skyrocket, so surely will ignorant asses come and piss in the Corn Flakes:
No.words. My mind is just not ready to deal with the ignorance and tomfoolery this bastage is speaking on. *gives dumb ass the gas face and tries to move on*
I was reading over on Sara's blog (thanks for the add to the blog roll Sis) and she said something that I found very profound. She wrote:
Sistas this is why Evia, Halima, Aimee and I advocate for OUR own agenda. Nobody else is going to have our backs! NOBODY- Brothas are thinking of new ways to embarrass, humiliate and disrespect you even as we speak! WAKE UP! The game has been over and we're the only fools still trying to win! I know this is going to hurt some women because you don't want to believe it but: Black men are not coming back!!! The truth is for too many of them we remind them too much of themselves. and since they don't seem to care for themselves too much we are a convenient target. It's time we took the reigns and decide to act in our own best interest. We need to build our own companies, film our own movies, make our own lines and build our own lives with men who can love and appreciate us no matter what color his skin may be. Please don't cry because brothers are gone. They have not had your back in years and if they want anything but bw then I say 'have at it' I could not care less however, I know many sistas will cry themselves to sleep over the thought of this. However, I believe in honesty regardless of the momentary pain it might cause. We MUST MOVE ON!!! Some of y'all remind me of the slaves swaying and praying on the plantation waitin' on the sold slave to come back. Cryin' and prayin' to no avail. There is as much chance of brothers coming back as there was of those sold slaves coming back. In other words NONE! Please accept it and lets move on to better lives........
How long will we continue to cry and sway, especially in light of the message of the so-called brother in that BM's video? It's obvious to me that the time for crying is OVER, but just like Kunte Kinte when Kizzy was sold away, some women are determined to hold that handful of dirt where the Black man last stood and weep and wail for the good ole days to come back. Guess what? Shit ain't gonna happen.
Black men have abandoned us to whatever Hell awaits us, so why are we even wasting energy on trying to hold onto a dream that is long dead??? It's up to Black women to protect us and our children now. We cannot depend on the very ones who should be our fiercest and most vocal protectors and cheerleaders, so guess what? How about we become all those things to each other?
How about Black women stand up and stand together to make our world what we wish it to be? It's time for the petty squabbles and pissing contests to cease and desist! There's too much on the line for us to still be at each other's throats over bullshit that DOES NOT MATTER!
The next time you catch yourself snarking at or about another Black woman, how about you put yourself into that sistah gurl's shoes? If she's a friend and she's overweight, how about instead of dogging her, you offer to walk with her? How about offering to teach her how to shop and eat healthier with what she has? How about you work with the sister who seems lost when it comes to clothing and makeup that flatters? Putting more energy into the positive rather than the negative will result in a lot more Beautiful Black women rising to the occasion and finding the man of their dreams instead of wallowing in the pits of self misery and crying and swaying, waiting for the Black man to come rescue her.
So ladies please, if you see your friends doing the cry/sway over yet another no good ass man who has hurt/abandoned them, help them up and help them out of the abyss. A love like this could be their (and your) reward.
9 people feel me:
Actually, that last video is full of compliments for black women.
Not that last video. The one with the Black man spewing BS for Black women
I think that bm is running scared and he knows bw are opening up to other race men. By the way, what is a ww supposed to do about it? Many of them do not really care if a wm is dating out because they themselves are dating out. So, where is the problem?
Ann F.
Many of them DO care. They try to pretend to be nonchalant but walk by them with a handsome, wealthy, or even simply decent and upstanding WM and watch them lose their mind. Great post girl and I agree wholeheartedly. We've got to take the reigns and forge new lives for ourselves and also find our lost unity....
Great job Nicole! Great Job!
Ann F.
That's the point I think I'm trying to make. What the hell can a WW say to me that's going to convince me to stop wanting a nonBM? I know me, and the first thing out of my mouth would be "Bitch, please!". Last I checked, WW weren't exactly sweating WM, so fluck 'em. I'll take all the ones they don't want, 'cause well, I'm greedy like that.
Last I checked, WW weren't exactly sweating WM, so fluck 'em. I'll take all the ones they don't want, 'cause well, I'm greedy like that
lol...the way I feel is I'm taking the ones they DO WANT..they can have the leftovers as far as I am concerned..and you know why?...because I'M GREEDY LIKE THAT...
Nice little blog Nicole
lol...the way I feel is I'm taking the ones they DO WANT..they can have the leftovers as far as I am concerned..and you know why?...because I'M GREEDY LIKE THAT...
We're just going to have to be some greedy BW together, 'cause real talk: I take men they don't want, do want, think they don't want because I'm just GOOD like that! ;)
That guy is bigot and a moron!
He's a lazy ass man who wants black woman or white woman to take care of his sorry ass!
Notice that in his bashing of black women that he's one ugly man!
He should just date white women who believe that myth about black male endowment!
White women have nothing to fear from black women because most white men still prefer their own women.
He's one ignorant fool there are plenty of successful black men and yet they are prejudiced towards black women.
He's racist cunt that needs excuses for his own failures!
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