Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Noways Tired... Not Yet Anyway

Ladies, after reading some of the war of words on these blogs, I had to step away from my blog for a moment and do some soul searching. I saw on Sara's blog the post from the racist website started a real war between some posters, and man. I just had to say *in Flavor Flav voice* Whoaaaaaaaaaaa.

Ladies, please know that I love each and every one of you, but seriously, ya'll need to STOP THE FREAKING BICKERING!!! In case you haven't noticed, we are not each other's enemies damn it! Stop acting like a bunch of quarrelsome children. It's not a good look. As a matter of fact, it's embarrassing as hell to me and it makes me want to line some of ya'll up and Stooge slap you. *cracks whip* FOCUS damn it!

If you disagree with what a blogger is saying, instead of bashing her on her blog, you send a freakin' email? And I know you see her dang on email address sitting in her sidebar just as big as life, so no mas gusta your lines about not having it. Damn. Some people really need to stop taking themselves so seriously. (*side eyeing a few regular posters, but if the shoe fits...*) You are not the end all and be all of the IR blogging community. Hell, you don't even speak for a large group of people. Your opinion is just that: your opinion. Just like my opinion is my opinion. Everybody is allowed to feel what they feel and like/love what they love. You aren't going to change their minds, so if you don't agree, be woman enough to agree to disagree, m'kay?

But please, stop with the bitching and sniping. It's annoying.

Can't we all just get along? *Beyonce tear drops*

4 people feel me:

NicoleLorraine80 said...

First of all I'd like to say hello to a fellow Nicole on Blogspot. Another thing is that I'm totally feeling you on this post, though, you are missing something with the white woman enhancement list. You are forgetting the 'collagen lip enhancement'. They want that full, pouty look; a look that comes naturally to black women. And to look at some of them, they have taken the collagen a bit too far.

I also have to applaud you for the list of hot men on the side of your blog. And I love your 'obscure' picks in Adam Levine from Maroon 5, I absolutely love his singing style and Milo from Heroes, though I myself am totally head over heels for Zachary aka Sylar.

Keep up the amazing work!

BeautifulBlkWoman said...

Hey fellow Nicole!

Yes, I did forget about the collagen overloaded trout pouts, but not because I meant to. I truly was upset and offended by some things that I'd read on another blog, and you know what, I think I might have to go back and add a lil something somethin' about trout pout mouff.

Good lookin' out girl!

bwdb said...

Standing Ovation:

The very people who continuously put us down are the ones who envy us most...These factions are afraid of what BW could do once they stop believing the lies!

Taylor-Sara said...

dang, Nicole, I should have copied your leave your comment, 'comment' it was clearer, more direct and better than mine. (lol) you're doing a great job and you and your blog are great!