Friday, March 28, 2008

Thinking About Closing... NOT!!!

Since I am now being accused of stealing other's words/works, I am thinking about closing this blog and just saying to hell with it! I don't need the aggrivation.

*dramatic pause*

I feel like I have finally arrived! I got an email from an irate reader accusing me of "stealing the words of Sara (who BTW is the owner of my favorite blog besides my own).

You like me!!! You really, really like me!!!

*single teardrop falls as I sashay and Shaunte' off the stage"

To the person who sent me that email, I have just one thing to say: If you really feel that way, then I feel sorry for you. You say you're writing a book, well how about concentrating that energy on getting that book published so that it can be the "Bible for many women" you are claiming it will become. I wish you nothing but success and blessings with that.

If at anytime or in any way I have taken the words of another and used them in the forming of my own posts without giving due credit, then I truly and sincerely apologize. I meant no harm, and if you want to take it there, I think that you need to chill the fluck out. You should feel honored that anybody would think your words impressive enough to borrow in the first place, but I digress. After all, according to this person, I'm not capable of having an original thought, so let me hush now.

Happy Friday everybody! Now that the drama is over, let's jam!

*jukes up out this bitch*

11 people feel me:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am a casual reader of these IR blogs and I really enjoyed reading yours. I am very sorry that you are thinking about shutting your blog down. I hope that you will reconsider this and not close your blog. I am sorry that other people can be so petty. I thought that the Internet was an open forum and people had the right to express their opinions. I enjoyed reading the articles and looking at the pics that you posted on your blog. I wish you the best of luck in all of your endeavors. God bless.

Felicity said...

Girl do not give up your blog, it is great, I enjoy reading it, it has humour, content. I laugh so much. You speak the truth and you will be and are persecuted. Even Jesus who was perfect, he was persecuted himself and you know the rest of the story. The world is far more abundant that we think, there are plenty of men out there, but we have to have the faith to believe this fact. It suits a lot of people to have black women crying and wailing they cannot get a decent black man, or any man, statistics like to talk about how many times we are more likely to be single than other folks. However, if this is so, what are so many angry blogs coming out about black women being the enemy, black women are not all that attractive, we have too much dramas. There are plenty of dramas queens on all races, however if we were getting old, ugly white men, no-one would be bothered. There would be laughter, well that is all we can get, however we are getting good looking, drop dead gorgeous, rich non-white men, who are tall, the chickens are coming home to roost, there is howling and wailing and gnashing of teeth and outright hostility. Beautiful black woman, continue your blog and May you God bless you.

Taylor-Sara said...

girl! you better not shut down! I love your blog! And who would I turn to for advice and tips. YOU ARE NEEDED, AND WE WON'T LET YOU GO!

BeautifulBlkWoman said...

*ducks head and wipes tear*

Awwwwww ya'll loves me? I feel so speshul. Sara, girlfriend check your email. I tell you, I can't stop... I won't stop.

I was just having a moment ladies. Trust me, I will still be here doing me and let the haters come!

Anonymous said...

I also join those who are asking you not to close your blog. You are an original voice and a different voice than Sara. I don't believe for one minute that you have intentionally plagarized Sara. If a certain similarity of topic or feeling constituted plagarism, then every IR blog would be guilty of plagarism! Keep the faith and keep blogging.

bwdb said...

Don't shut it down...We unfortunately have a LOT of jealousy within the IR blog community...A damn shame!

NicoleLorraine80 said...

I thought they said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Oh well. Just keep doing you and I'll keep on reading. As Sandra77 said, all of these IR blogs are coming from the same place, so some stories are bound to be repeated.

Anonymous said...

Please don't leave!! I really enjoy your posts and your point of view. Lately, the hate and animosity on some of these blogs is amazing.

Gloria said...

Whoa. Now wait a minute now. I just found out about your blog today. Let me catch up on all the reading first *munching popcorn* LOL

If you received some hate mail today you must be the truth. You may just entered the hall of IR Blog envy.

Enjoy girl!

Delishmish said...

I just started to you definitely cannot shut down if we don't always make a comment..a lot of us are definitely "feeling you."

Sometimes, when something you do or say raises a firestorm of protest, it is usually because you have said something they do not like because it reminds them too much of their true lives. Now I don't quite know the nature of what occurred..but just cannot possibly please all the people all the just please your own pied piper...I don't particularly like country music..but I don't demand that every single piece of country music should be herewith destroyed so as not to offend my ears..all I do is not buy it..the end.

Keep on trucking...I am always impressed when anyone maintains a date I have not put one entry in mine..I'd rather come to yours and Sara's and Pinky's, and one or two am thankful for the fruits of your labor.

Alright now..let us talk about Flava Flav..since you mentioned him one post down...I am going to set you up with about that? date will take place at the fine eating establishment of Red Lobster..get ready to recieve your clock)

Hey Selena..:-)

Gloria said...

Hey Delish...I'm still around. Had to take a break from all the craziness out here. Tell Sister Same I said wassup.