Thursday, April 3, 2008

Because Crazy Bitches Need More People...

I know that I said in my last post that that that would be the last time that the TWSNBN would be mentioned, but Sara and I have been emailing back and forth, and basically Sara has told me that the only way I can get this stupid cow off my back is to show you all what I'm working with. These are her latest email rants, and Sara and I are at a consensus: this bitch is not only crazy, she is bat shit crazy. Peep all her comments about Black women in the second email.

Her first email:

Date: Fri, Mar 28, 2008 at 11:08 AM
Subject: you have no right to steal others ideas

somone told me about your blog cause they said that you are stealing other peoples ideas. little to me. you stole and entire section of what I said on BWWDI! then in the same breath critizize me for making comments to another poster! who are you! and how dare you rob me, saras and others ideas. do you have an original thought in your head! you are a total stealer! if you have a blog, you are supposed to generate YOUR fucking ideas and not others ok? I will expose you for the fake you are if you keep doing this. tons of people already know. you just want attention. try writing a book. I'm doing that and my advice will be used as a bible to others. lets see you copy that! OK!. now try for once to get an original thought in your head. I know it is hard for you, but try and STICK TO YOUR OWN IDEAS AND STOP ROBBING OTHERS OF THERES!!!

Would somebody please transcribe this shit and send it back to me? She lost me after hey. I honestly believe that if I have to spend most of my time changing what you wrote so that it makes sense, then your e-threats and other spewed bullshit have lost about 75% of there efficacy.

And now her latest email that I didn't filter directly into the trash (GMail filters are da bessssss)

From: jane doe
Date: Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 12:13 PM
Subject: I tried to be nice but.......................
To: Nicole Brown

ok, ok, I tried to be nice. tried to respect you, but now I see. I will have to put you in your place!!!!!!!!!!!

first of all you are laughable. as dark as you are. with that mop you call hair. YOU think you can get a white guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they would not want you. you look like a fat baboon. I should what I wrote and what you wrote to my German boyfriend and he said you were crazy to steal mine and others ideas. he was right. he said you are a typical sista who wants attention. so he asked for me to drop it. but since you had to act like the ghetto bitch you are. I'm going to read you.

1. you have kids. I have extensive experience with white men and one thing they are not interested in a typ black chick with out of wed-lock babes. you want a white guy??? all you can be is there friend cause white men do not date black chicks with kids. well... the really old ones!

2. you are fat. white men usually are fit. just because black men have lower standards what makes you think a white man will? white men like in fit women. no, they do not have to be stick thin, like white women. but they cannot have a large, fat sloppy gut and hanging boobs like a baboon like you!!! you are so delusional!

3. your hair is gross. you have no style and need to comb or brush or do something to that mane. I don't care what any woman on any blog says. I have been raised around and dated White men my whole life. and they like a nicely;y styled head. your over-permed hair is screaming for a trim. and those black circles you got under your eyes? even as dark as you are. you need to do something about them!

you are a joke honey. you tell me that I need to go to English class? if I was so bad in English, I would not be making more than you make in two months combined, WICK included! HA HA HA HA!!! I showed the picture of you to two of my white guy Friends and they told men they could not tell you from a gorilla. god, you would just die if you saw me. small framed. no stomach. 17' inches of my own hair thanks to my Indian heritage. now, you and me walking down the street. who do you think the wm is going to approach.? on top of that. I have no children, educated and have my own business on top of my job. don't hate. you will be reading my book as well. um, I can get it published. my ex boyfriend is the president of a major publishing company so HA fat bitch.

you are so delusional. you will NEVER get a white man. not one of value. they will use you as some freaky sex experiment or something. but they will NEVER and I mean NEVER marry you and take care of your nappy headed little nigs

better go back to black men, they have low standard. or turn lesbo. that is what the ugly fat black women do, when all hope fails.


I like the video clips though.

Okay, now I have to say some stuff here:
1) I am not shit colored. I am a beautiful chestnut Brown. The picture she's referring to was one taken in a darkened room with no flash.
2) Last I checked, I only have one child, and no, she's not a little nig you stupid BITCH!
3) Since you can barely spell let alone put together a coherrent email, I am really thinking that your delusions of getting a book published are just that: delusions. The voices in your head do not count as real people, so girl/boy, just stop.
4) It's W.I.C, not WICK. THEIR not THERE. CRITICIZE not CRITIZIZE. Now for the love of God, please, STOP SENDING ME ILLITERATE ASS EMAILS. Even my best friend said he's afraid that my writing skills will fall off because of your ignorant ass.

I am honestly starting to believe that this is not really a woman at all. This has all the earmarks of that crazy fuck on Craig's list who harasses cw over on her blog. His hate for BW shines through, and it really makes me sad. Why do you care so much about what I put on my blog? Too much time on your hands.

Ladies, now you all see what all the fuss is about. "She's" probably going to try to make it seem like I somehow changed these emails to make it worse than it is, but no. I forwarded these hot off the press to Sara, my sister, my boyfriend AND my best friend. Every last one of them have said the same thing: this bitch is crazy, so stop responding to her.

This is defintely my last posting regarding her craziness. I just have one more thing to say to her (since I know she's lurking on here reading everything I type. That's what obsessed people do). Here's a little something for you:

The IR dating post will make it's return tomorrow. Peace out ya'll!

22 people feel me:

Anonymous said...


It will be allright baby girl, this so called person is beneath you, it wants you to get mad and start doubting yourself and who you are, don't let it.

If it was as educated as it claimed to be the last thing it would be doing is sending you harassing unintelligible e-mails, so treat it like you would drunk uncle earl at the family reunion, disregard it.


Harry Potter said...

"they will use you as some freaky sex experiment or something. but they will NEVER and I mean NEVER marry you and take care of your nappy headed little nigs"

Is this seriously a black woman? I don't see how any black person, woman or man, could make a comment like that.

Aside from that, it seems the whole focal point of the email was personal attacks against you. I find that usually when people resort to such lame personal attacks it's because they have no logical point to make. Don't take it personal. There's nothing wrong with you, it's simply their last desperate attempt to make an argument when they have no real points to base their argument on.

People like that will never listen to you know matter how much sense you make. I just ignore people like that.

Anonymous said...

This woman's whole goal in life seems to be making herself "fit" for white men. What a hefty and "admirable" goal. God forbid that something should happen to her and her physical qualities, awww what to do??
This woman is clearly filled with self hatred and her intellectual abilities leave a lot to be desired. If she's writing a book I imagine that one can use it to wrap fish.

Tori C said...



katie said...

All I can say I didn't know self-hatred had gotten this bad. When you wrote the first post about this "crazie", I thought it was a white man trolling. But now it's clear that it's a sad, SAD black woman with some serious self hate issues. Don't let her sorry behind stop you. Keep doing what you do.

katie said...

Actually, after reading it again, I'm starting to think it's a black man. I don't know. It's getting harder and harder to call out trolls.

Anonymous said...

Stop giving her/him attention, your only fueling the hatred. this post is quite irrelevant.

BeautifulBlkWoman said...

Actually anon, their emails have stopped (at least I think they have. GMail filters delete them, so I have no real way of knowing). So to me, this posting has served its purpose.

And what did I tell you about trying to control the content of my blog? This post may seem irrelevant to you, but it's very relevant to me, so whatever. My blog, my rules. Don't like it, don't read. M'kay?

To everybody else, yeah, I tried to reason with it, but just like any other insane person, they really need more people (and better meds).

harrypotter, yeah, it was put on the nignore list, but it was still coming back, so I decided to just put it on blast one time so they would get the point.

kaytea, I think it's a man too now. Specifically that Laurellton Queens ass from craigslist who has harrassed so many of the IR bloggers, but who knows?

I'll be putting up a new post either later today or tomorrow, so I hope that you all come back again.

Anonymous said...

This "person" (I use the term loosely and genericly) is certifiable. If I got emails from such a person, I would show them to law enforcement.

Gloria said...

LMAO at this clown:

Troll: "white men and one thing they are not interested in a typ black chick with out of wed-lock babes. you want a white guy??? all you can be is there friend cause white men do not date black chicks with kids."

Correction: Sorry azz DBR BM don't want black kids LOL

Troll: “German boyfriend and he said you were crazy to steal mine and others ideas. he was right. he said you are a typical sista who wants attention.”

Look “Troll-That-Needs-a Speak-and-Say” I thought you said you had a German Boyfriend? What’s he doing with you then? Only a salty-azz bm (American) would use the words “typical” when describing a bw. How would a German man know what a typical sista is? BOY STOP

Troll: you are so delusional. you will NEVER get a white man. not one of value. they will use you as some freaky sex experiment or something. but they will NEVER and I mean NEVER marry you and take care of your nappy headed little nigs

Again, this antiquated falsehood is merely laughable and probably spoken from a DBR BM. I bet you stayed up late one night thinking: “This ish is gonna be tight when I call her kids nappy-headed LOL. Hey DUMB AZZ, don’t you know NAPPY is a beautiful thang? Oh, I forgot, you’re a self-hating, uneducated, un-refined DBR bad.


BeautifulBlkWoman said...

*reads selena's post*!

*lays down on the altar and annoints head with Hi John the Conquerer oil*

I thank I'mma need a drink after that troll lashing.

selena, remind me never to get on your bad side... ever. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

bwdb said...

"This has all the earmarks of that crazy fuck on Craig's list who harasses cw over on her blog"

This sounds like Laurelton or one of his cronies...He left an reply on the blog today with all his inane ramblings....

Anonymous (Who wants a police state for the blogs):

I am uncomfortable with you telling spreading the idea of censorship...It is not up to you to determine whether or not a post is irrelevant...If Nicole or anyone else wants to blog about stepping in bubble-gum, then that is her right...


You are dead on point with your assessment...Not only does the whole tone of those letters reek of DBR BM, but the use of "typical BW" really reveals the spirit behind it..

bwdb said...

Hmmm...Let's fix that last paragraph

Anonymous (Who wants a police state for the blogs):

"I am uncomfortable with you spreading the idea of censorship...It is not up to you to determine whether or not a post is relevant...If Nicole or anyone else wants to blog about stepping in bubble-gum, then that is her right..."

bwdb said...

Ok...It's me again:

I would keep posting these "nutjob" letters...As I've stated before, shed light on the boogeyman...He isn't that scarey

Gloria said...

LOL @ Beautiful :P

Ok...It's me again:

I would keep posting these "nutjob" letters...As I've stated before, shed light on the boogeyman...He isn't that scarey

Keep 'em coming, I need a laugh today. Looks like Tybone is over at Sad City licking his wounds.

If he knows what I know, he'd stop worrying about bw he doesn't know and try to finish up that GED...I mean his Certificate of Completion G of D he copped from Boot-Leg Willie down at the babershop.

BeautifulBlkWoman said...

Selena, I'm about to ban you from my blog for making me laugh so hard I spit root beer all over my monitor!

*wipes up mess while snickering my azz off* So wrong, but oh so right!

They must not know. We gangsta around these here parts. We ginsu trolls and serve 'em filleted with a nice hollandaise.

Gloria said...

LMBAO Beautiful!! Delish where ya at girl?

Gloria said...

CW thanks for the addy on Myspace. U know a sista tryna look sexy lol.

bwdb said...

Selena...Which one was u? I had a few friends req this weekend? Glad to have ya!

Gloria said...

CW...Lena I just shortened my name :)

Delishmish said...

Selena said:

LMBAO Beautiful!! Delish where ya at girl?


Girl, I've been working the night shift with Boot leg Willie down at the Barber shop on the south side of town.

You had me at Boot Leg Willie...ROFLMAO

Yeah Doll, I like to pop in here from time to time..I'm amazed that people have the time to conduct these campaigns...sounds like someone might need a ninja style a-- whupping late in the night.

PS. Nicole..That is NOT a woman..

As a "Troll Whisperer"..I can sniff 'em out..I smell a male energy here...definitely male, definitely (drum roll)

I am loving the sister detectives up in here.. ..they know how to break s--t down.

Anonymous said...

Love the track to JUST AIN'T right!!!!

I knew that was the queen herself: Millie Jackson!!!! I used to listen to her records as a kid (of course, when Mom wasn't around...LOL)

That sister ain't never lied!

You rock BBW!