Saturday, April 5, 2008

Flaws and All

Queen of Wishful Thinking

Okay, I just took a long, hard look in the mirror, and you know what? Today, April 5, 2008, I have realized that I really am beautiful, no matter what the naysayers might think or say to the contrary. I know, some of ya'll are probably like "What is this crazy woman going on about now?", but walk with me for a moment.

I am a 34 year old Black woman who is finally comfortable in her own skin.

How many Black women do you know who have reached this zenith? Have you?

The reason I ask is because, a lot of us are looking for a significant other to share our lives with, and I wish every single one of you the luck of one thousand leprechauns in finding him, but have you really stopped to think what might be holding you back is not the lack of available men of any race, but the lack of self confidence and assurance you project?

Men are very perceptive creatures, and as I'm sure your male family members will tell you, they can spot an unconfident woman who is ripe for the picking at 1,000 feet. Their "damaged woman" radars' have been finely tuned, so they will spot your ass with the skill of a lion hunting gazelle on the savanna, and trust they will move in for the kill. A DBR man of any race will use your lack of self confidence, and this lack of knowing deep down that you are beautiful and desirable, with catastrophic effects if it's left unchecked. I know because I didn't love myself very much in high school, and I ended up involved with a man who almost killed me because I didn't love me.

And before you go assuming, I had people telling me constantly that I was a beautiful girl, I just never took those words to heart. I remember that one of the first people to tell me I was pretty was my BFF's Mom back when I was in 6th grade. She basically looked at me and said, "Nicole, you know, you have such a beautiful face. You have a good heart, and it shows in your eyes. Don't ever lose that." And do you know, I pretty much said Thank You, and left that behind like garbage in McDonald's? I don't think I ever had anybody in my family say those words to me though, mostly because the Color Struckisms have some of my family in a damned choke hold. They never said I was pretty, but oh how they fawned over my younger cousin who was born with almost straight hair and hazel eyes. *sigh*

My nappy hair and chestnut Brown skin were never good enough to hear anything other than "Oh, you'd be so cute if you just lost some weight" or "You know, I just found this diet... you have such a pretty face and I know if this diet works..." ad nauseum, ad infinitum. Now don't get me wrong, I knew I needed to lose weight, but damn it, I did not need to hear the people who were supposed to love me constantly harping on it. I have a stubborn streak the size of Mt. Kilimanjaro. The more you harp and harass, the more I push my specially designed and bedazzled "Nignore" button.

One cousin even went so far as to tell her mother that she wouldn't have me in her wedding because I was, in her words, "too fat and Black" to be in her wedding. And wouldn't you know that the only Brown skinned females she had in that wedding were skinny as hell with weaves down to their asses? Everybody else was light, bright and darned near White. I was so hurt I stayed away from that particular cousin for years. I still level the side eye from Hell on her every time I see her. And they wonder why I don't come out to visit with family now? So you can do the exact same thing only in reverse to my daughter (who is lighter than I am by several shades)? I so don't think so. *side eye of Death*

I said all that to say this: how is it that you don't love yourself and yet you expect some man to come into your life and love you? Babies listen, you can't expect any man to be all things to you. That's putting too much pressure on a man to be Superman and no man wants to feel like he has to be happy for himself and make you happy too. I've said it before, but it bears repeating: you must, MUST love yourself with the kind of wholeheartedness that you would expect from your boyfriend/SO. How can he love you when you don't love yourself or even know what it feels like to be loved? I mean fully loving yourself, warts, pimples, Crow's feet, wrinkles and all.

Having a bad hair day? Love your crazy hair and own it! Looking not quite right when you leave the house? Accept that you have had better days and then head up, chest out and strut like you're Naomi on the catwalk. Smile! It makes people wonder what you're up to. Feeling fat? Put on some funky music and shake your groove thing until you get over it (added benefit, you get some exercise while getting over your funk, which is always a good thing).

Have you ever heard of affirmations? I have a list that I read to myself every morning when I wake up and every night before bed. It's nothing elaborate, just ten things that I love about me. Even on my not so good, I hate my life somebody please come kill me days, I can read this list and, even if it doesn't make me feel 100% better, it goes a long way towards eliminating the negative thoughts.

My list:
1) I have beautiful Brown eyes that look on the world with kindness and compassion.
2) I am gentle, loving and caring of all those who come into my life.
3) I am blessed and deserve every blessing that comes into my life.
4) I am filled with positive energy and draw positive people to me.
5) I am humbly filled with love for all of God's creations.
6) My nappy hair is amazing and only adds to the God given beauty of me as a Black woman.
7) I have facial features (cheeks, lips, eyes) that other women would kill to have.
8) My breasts are hawt! (I know, it's not very Women's Lib of me, but hey, they look good damn it! *fluffs the twins*)
9) My beauty is timeless. There are women who are dying to attain by surgery what I was given by design.
10) I am me, and that's okay!

Ladies, I would encourage you to do the same for yourself. Sit down and really look at yourself. I say start out with five things, but if you come up with more than five, then more power to you GF! Every woman deserves to love herself just a little bit. It's not conceit, it's self love, and every woman should have some.

Remember, you have to love yourself, flaws and all before you can ask someone else, Black, White, Blue or Green, to do the same.

15 people feel me:

NicoleLorraine80 said...

Fellow Nicole, you and I see eye to eye. I have finally reached a point in my life where I am fully comfortable in my skin and I walk around thinking that all eyes are on my beautiful self. Some days I do strut and I get commented on so much about my smile, that when it's necessary, I have it on out and about, which is easier to do with that feature, as opposed to my second best feature (*)(*). The weather is getting warmer too, I'm going to be totally feelin' myself.

Gloria said...

Nikki if that you in the avatar?I'm loving the hair. Did you use Henna? The color is on point!

BeautifulBlkWoman said...

I'm telling ya'll. this summer is my time (I'm claiming it) I fully intend to come out of this summer with a new man in my life. I'm about to go get my New Moon Ritual on.

Think I'm joking? I know it's my time.

NicoleLorraine80 said...

Yep, that's me and I've had my natural hair since 2002. Shaved it all off and started new. No, it's not henna. I had dyed my hair honey blond in the summer and that's just months of color being left to its own devices. I plan on dying it black though.

Anonymous said...

Good for you Beautifulblackwoman and guest what I am there with you. At the moment I am planning to come out.
Any decent other race man here I am.
Ann F

LostGirl#1 said...

Add me to the This summer is also my "season"...going to get my "man eater" wardrobe

Anonymous said...

Hey Nicole, Is beauty in the eyes of the beholder? Yes! Should you believe that you're beautiful and show that outwardly with your appearance and personality? YES! But why try to convince yourself with affirmations, if in your heart, you don't believe them? Keep it real & accept what IS.

If you don't like your wardrobe - change it! Inexpensive stores are all around for the thrifty - Forever 21, Target, etc. Hair's not "right"? So what, change it up - (ur already doing well in that dept.) If you don't like your weight, eat less of that feel-"good" food, and exercise more. You don't need an affirmation to change behavior. Changing a habit is easy - stop thinking and just DO.

BeautifulBlkWoman said...

Ummmm Anon, what makes you think that I haven't done all those things? And what on Earth makes you think I'm trying to "convince" myself of anything? My affirmations are nothing more than reenforcement of what I already know, believe and feel. While just do might work for you, how can you "just do" when the thought processes don't allow for it? It won't work, so unless you change the underlying thought process, all the "just do it" in the world won't work.

You sure do seem to have an issue with BW seeking help when they need it. Why is that? I mean, it's almost like you're trying to say that BW should just keep doing the same old things that got us into the situations that we're in now. Let's not change BW's thought processes, let's just leave them the same.

I respectfully say, bullshit and no mas gusta.

Also, please do not continue to try to control what I put on my blog, and you should know, that's a no-no. I don't mind constructive critism, but trying to direct my content is not going to work, m'kay?

Anonymous said...

There's No need for this conversation to get snippy.

Anonymous said...

Sharing my ideas is not an attempt to "control content". That's not my intentions. Also, I'm not against anyone seeking help, come on now, that's just silly. And I don't agree with you implying that I had ill-intentions with my comment.

No, i'm not saying BW should just keep doing the same old things - that's exactly the opposite! My post was about making changes, if deep down, you feel that'd be an improvement...ex Wardrobe? Hair? Eating/Health? Simple examples that DO make real changes. Not all that affirmation mumbo/jumbo. Where's the good in affirming, if asap you return to "bad" behavior? (i.e. bad cuz one's not comfortable with the choice).

Long story short, my point was just this - that Real change happens from DOING not talking in the mirror...And I'm a fan of BW, as I'm a BW too! Born in the USA, but parents were born in W. Africa.

BeautifulBlkWoman said...

I haven't gotten "snippy" yet, but I can if that's what you'd like.

You are welcomed to your opinion, but seeing as how this is my blog, I get to chose what goes on it, no? Have I said anything about not doing all those things? Nope. I just said that real, lasting change starts from within.

I never said you were not a fan of BW. I said you were not a fan of BW making positive changes. How exactly is a BW supposed to get out and do all this when her self confidence is in the toilet? How can she expect any man to love her if she doesn't love herself first?

Riddle me that Batman.

If you don't like what I write in my personal blog (see, there's that personal possession pronoun again), don't read. It really is that simple as that. As a matter of fact, how about you start your own blog so that you too can control what gets written over there?

Seriously though, if you don't believe in self help, where's your blog telling BW to "just do it"? Seriously, life is not a Nike commercial. Some women aren't going to make these changes you wish without someone there to help them make the change starting inside first. Remember, not every BW has someone there to tell her she's beautiful, smart, funny, desirable, etc. She has to be those things to herself before she can expect anyone else to love her as well.

And that's all I have to say about that.

Anonymous said...

I just dyed my hair and it doesn't look so hot. Well, I guess I will return to the chocolate cherry color I had and people really liked that color on me.
Ann F.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Jay-Z finally made Beyounce an honest woman.
Past time.
Ann F.

Tori C said...

As always love the post girly!!!
I am also "naming it " and "claiming it!" this is my summer to meet the man of my dreams--where ever he maybe....Gerard this mean you boo boo!!

Anonymous said...

Co-sign! This summer I'm definitely "naming and claiming" mine!

I'm planning on rockin' the mad ink I've gotten over the winter....actually I started this past weekend...and got mad love from lots who appreciated...and "less than mad love" from those who didn't...but I ain't concerned with those folks...