Wednesday, April 2, 2008

I'mma Vote For Obama

I'm sorry, but this man is just... amazing.He is truly what this country needs and I am so blessed to have lived to see a time when a beautifully intelligent Black man could rise above the BS that is politricks in Amerikkka and become a true contender to the office of POTUS. He is eloquent, handsome (is it right that I'm lusting for the future POTUS? If loving him is wrong, I don't want to be right!), and the breath of fresh air that this country needs to help us move up to the next level.

And you know what? I am willing to take a week off of work to volunteer to help Michelle unload the UHaul in front of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue on 1/20/2009. That's a serious promise coming from someone who hates to move households.

However, I'm seriously wondering if J. Anthony Brown was trying to destroy me completely when he wrote this:

When J Anthony Brown murders the hits, my soul says "fuck effort" and leaps to it's death from the top of my house.

I still love him though.

America is at a crossroads now. We can either take that step to move in the right direction, or we can stagnate, continue to be an international laughingstock. I honestly believe that Barack Obama has the drive, determination and vision to lead us into the dawn.

Feel free to use this graphic.

That's it for right now. C U N the Dawn

1 people feel me:

Anonymous said...

OBAMA is in the game! see my blog: