This post is a few (ok several) days late. I had intended to have it up over this past weekend, but I have really struggled putting what I think about this topic into words, but here goes nothing.
Strong. Black. Woman.
No three words in the English language have the power to cause a bigger firestorm of emotions (except Out of Chocolate maybe). The myth of the strong Black woman is one that Black women the world over have struggled for, with and against ever since it became part of popular lexicon, but why is this struggle necessary?
Strong. I have nothing against this word in and of itself, but disparity in meaning when applied to men versus women, more specifically Black women, has always been what irritates me. You see, a man can be strong and people automatically tend to think he's a leader, someone who is used to taking charge of a situation. Women get a very different reaction.
A strong woman is usually called some very much less impressive words: b*tch, ball buster, hard ass, dyke, lesbo etc, etc when she is in reality doing nothing more than displaying the very same attributes that a strong man does but with less encouragement and more choler. Applying it to a Black woman is when the real fun begins.
Now we all know someone who falls into the category of SBW: she is probably a single mother of multiple children by multiple "baby daddies", but who is holding down two or three jobs to make sure that her family is provided for to the best of her ability. She is stoic, never complaining when she is in pain, be it mental or physical and she is not about to admit that she needs help for fear of being perceived as "weak" or "whining". Let other women show this kind of vulnerability, but not a Black woman. We must be strong no matter what.
This mythical "all things to all people" Black woman is devoted to the BC with every ounce of strength in her body and uses her considerable energy to "uplift" and "protect" the myth of the "strong Black Man", even if said "strong Black man" could less than a damn about her or the children he's fathered and abandoned. She is loving to those who conform to her ideas of what a woman should be, but heaven help you if you decide to be even a little bit different, because she can (and will) become the monster of your worst nightmares. She is the caretaker of everybody in the Black community, mother to the motherless, friend to the friendless (as long as you take her advice... oh and don't start feeling too proud or being too free. Then you become her freinemy) but no one is there to succor her in her times of need.
Black woman can do and be all of these things, but why should she be? I know from my own personal experience that men love a strong woman. They love knowing that she's there for them when they fall down, but they also have nothing but contempt for a weak ass individual. Where is the line between these two extremes? How can a woman be about her business, raising her kids, paying her bills doing her thing, but still want and need someone who will hold her down without being thought of as weak?
A WW can have a nice nervous breakdown and nothing is said, or even worse, the world makes up excuses as to why she is the way she is (Britney SPears, Anna Nicole, Farrah Fawcett, etc), but the minute a Black woman shows even a little bit of weakness... no scratch that. There's nothing weak about needing a partner who will love and support you when ou need it. When a sister shows vulnerability, maybe even looses her mind just a little bit, she's called everything from crazy as hell to a weak ass punk (Lauryn Hill is a prime example of this).
Black women, it's time to wake up. You can and should be strong, but only insomuch as your family and man need you to be. As far as the BC goes, they can kiss my happy Brown behind. Screw the BC. They haven't done anything for BW but keep us chained down and in a constant state of denial about how messed up we really are. We're trained from the cradle to let BM do as they please, smile and take it, and never leave the BC for greener pastures because as they say, Black people got to stick together. Ummmmm, BM have been leaving their women and children behind for greener pastures for years, so excuse me if I'm starting to take to heart that what's good for the gander is also good for the geese.
A friend of mine said this:
People think BW are rocks...Hard inanimate objects you can just kick around, because afterall we are rocks. I remember doing a paper on black women and depression in college for my mental health class. I ran across this article where this black woman was discussing her feelings and her depression with a white woman. The white woman told her in so many words. There is no way she could be depressed because she did not think black women got depressed because she thought we were so strong about everything. She thought nothing could break down the wall of a strong black woman. This white woman was actually shocked that we could be depressed and from the way the article sounds have emotions. I think in general in America people have this image of us.
It hurts us. Look at the movies so many times we are betrayed as the strong figure, single raising kids alone, handling all the stresses of the world alone and getting knocked down with no one there for comfort, but each other. It is so freaking sad. But it's art imitating life. The strong black woman image was something I used to brag on. Now it is to a fault that so many black women are that way. It so sad to say that most black women I know and grew up with, are from homes where the mother or the grandmother was the sole support and backbone of the family. That shit is tiresome. My friend who lost her mother recently, had us(her friends) and other black women to lean on. The bastard of a man who says he loves her. Sent her three text messages.
And that's the biggest problem: being the rock has put us in a position where everyone in the world takes the toughness we have to exibit as BW at face value. We cry, hurt, feel pain, love, laugh, sorrow just like any other race of women, but we are not allowed to be the face of mental illness, sadness or pain. No, we are a rock: simple, unfeeling inanimate object that is the root and soul of everything, and upon which many a house has been built. Never to be shown sympathy, never to know anything but hurt, anger and disappointment.
A WW can have a nice nervous breakdown or be a raving alchoholic/drug addict and either nothing is said, or even worse, the world makes up excuses as to why she is the way she is (Amy Wino, Britney SPears, Anna Nicole, Farrah Fawcett, etc), but the minute a Black woman shows even a little bit of weakness-- no scratch that. There's nothing weak about needing a partner who will love and support you when ou need it. When a sister shows vulnerability, maybe even looses her mind just a little bit, she's called everything from crazy as hell (Lauryn Hill) to a weak ass punk who couldn't stand by her man when he needed her (Whitney Houston).
Black women, it's time to wake up. Trying to keep all of these balls in the air is killing you. Let someone else come into your life and assist you in the juggling. Stop being too afraid (or too proud) to ask for help when it's needed! You can and should be strong, but only insomuch as your family and man need you to be. When you're feeling too stressed out,/angry/tired/unloved or whatever, let the people around you who love you and only want to help you take care of you for a change! As far as the BC goes, tell them to kiss your happy Brown ass. Screw the BC. They haven't done anything for BW but keep us chained down and in a constant state of denial about how messed up we as Black women really are. We're trained from the cradle to let BM do as they please, swallow every ounce of crap that we're given with a song and dance, smile big for the cameras when people need us for a photo op prop, and never leave the BC for greener pastures because as they say, Black people got to stick together. Ummmmm, BM have been leaving their women and children behind for greener pastures for years, so excuse me if I'm starting to take to heart that what's good for the gander is also good for the geese.
I have to believe that things can only get better, but whether they do or they don't, the myth of the Strong Black Woman dies with me.
I really think this is the ultimate "I'm a lady, but damn it, I'm a woman too" song. I love this song so much it's on permanent rotation in my iPod.
This is my other song that I love. I keep this in heavy rotation in my iPod as well. Whatever happened to her anyway?
17 people feel me:
BeautifulBkwoman, I love your blog, it is so enlightening. Love the songs also. From a Christian prospective. Marriage is greatly under attack, constantly, from men, women and children, work, finances, all this comes to destroy the marriage. I have to admit, the Church has been lously in detailing with marriage. In Christ, we are equal but different. Women need to be filled daily emotionally and men need to be filled physically. The problem when it comes to black women, our communities do not see us as queens, or princesses. It is only my church is dealing with the fact that women like have flowers, chocolates, sweets, pretty things. For a long time, we don't need that. I used to look how black men approach non-black woman, with flowers, chocolates, valentines etc, but with us, we don't need that, although some black men try, a lot don't. We need to be with men who celebrate us for being women and we too must keep our femininity. I had to learn to do this for myself, when my dad wanted me to lift very heavy things, I had to say no, let Dirk (who is a male friend)do it. But he would get mad and grumble on about we who are born in England, don't know about hard work and women in Guyana, know about it. I would reply and they would end up dead. We have to let men be responsible for themselves, we are not to be their friends, or their mammies. We are to be mums to our chilren, not to our husbands or boyfriends and if they cannot get their act together, move on and get someone else, because there is an abundance of men available to us. We should stop agreeing with man and agree with God.
Well, after reading this, I guess that I shouldn't consider myself a 'cry-baby' anymore. I believe that it was my 'vulnerability' that got me my new job. I actually broke down to my best friend, a ww, about how much I hated my current job. I guess that that somehow opened up the universe and the very next day I got a phone call to go to an interview to the new job I have now. Even when I opened up to my guy friend about it, who's a wm, he was always positive with me and for me when I had lost a little positivity myself. I have never been one to hide my feelings much. Ever wonder why the black community dies from things like heart attacks and strokes? The food is definitely a big culprit in this, but the lack of showing emotion and bottling it up is dangerous to your health as well. The bottling up of emotions is also one of the reasons why men's life expectancy rates aren't as high as women's.
Oh Nicole and as for Lisa Stansfield, she's gotten bit by the acting bug. She's big over in her home country, the UK. I figured out that America isn't the end all/be all of being famous and what's 'in'. She has a page on IMDB.
I will hereby declare a "Reject The Strong Black Woman Label" day...Nicole, this is so true and inspiring...We as women need to reject that image like we need to reject the "N" word...Black women have suffered long enough for it...
This was a beautiful post. More people need to read this... instead, we get crap like this distributed as "poetry" and so many black women find it complimentary.
I saw this posted on another board and black women were loving it. I just groaned... I think you will too!
Only A Black Woman
Can work full time while finishing school, raising
respectful and intelligent children, be active in
the PTA, be the pastor's secretary, and the choir
president and a make it all seem effortless
Can make a $1.00 out of 15 Cents
Can go from the boardroom to the 'hood and "keep it real" in both places.
Can slap the taste out of your mouth.
Can live below poverty level and yet set fashion trends.
Can fight two struggles everyday and make it look easy.
Can make a child happy on Christmas Day even if he didn't get a darn thing.
Can be 75 years old and look 45!
Can make other women want to pay plastic surgeons top $$$ for physical features she was already born with.
Can be the mother of civilization.
Did Ya Hear me?
GIRL I WAS CLICKING IN TO SEE WHEN YOU WERE GOING TO POST!!! AND AS USUAL YOU DID NOT DISSAPPOINT! It was well worth the wait for the great read! I know I got somethings i need to " tighten up on" and some things i need to let go and I am working on it...TRUST ME! Thanks for the inspiration and the "reality slap"
Hey All of you who have responded so far,
Yes I know it was late (by several days), but BBW has been dealing with allergies and headaches, so writing this up kept getting pushed farther and farther back. I'm glad you all liked it. I had a helluva time getting it to flow right.
Anon: I was looking for that to add to this post, but I had to say No. That's just one more example of Black women being too many things to too many people but not ever being enough for herself. I had to learn to let go of this stereotype. My mother used to ask me could I lift heavy objects and I would do it without a second thought. Now? I tell her to get one of my lazy, good for nothing brothers to do it.
Tori, Sweetie, that "poem" is not something you need to be aspiring to. All of those things are just more BS added to an already overflowing pile of stuff that BW need to get rid of. Sure we can do all those things ourselves, but why should we have to? You better not put that on your 'fridge! It's not complimentary in the least.
You looking for the title of Superwoman? Not me. I'm looking for the title of "All Woman".
great post girl, and I agree that is exactly how we are brainwashed. Poems like these that make it vogue to be so damn strong that the world does not even see you as a woman anymore. It's just them trying to convert your mind to thing this is what I should be like... It's bull but very effective bull- BTW -what happened to laurnen hill?
Hey Sara,
Girl you didn't hear what happened to Lauryn? She got some island d*ck and lost her ever loving mind. She hooked up wit one of Bob Marley's sons (I think his name is Rohan), and she had all her kids by him. She didn't find out until last baby that Rohan is not only married, but he told her he had no intention of leaving his wife for her.
He basically told her that she could still be his "baby Momma jumpoff", but that's all she could ever be.
All kinds of fvckery going on with her. She basically had a nervous breakdown ala Britney, but BP turned on her and basically told her "I told you so".
hey there nicole...i humbly request your permission to piggyback offa this topic...i want to kill the "strong Black woman" once and for all! LOL
Sorry, but if she wasn't ready to do her own research, she is not completely blameless.
It's unfortunate, sad AND pathetic that he treated her that way, but how anyone could have so many children with one man and not know that he is married...suspect. And what, she was expecting that he would leave his wife? Would that have been better?
cw, feel free to piggyback it. I put it up here for everybody to see and use as they see fit. You don't have to ask permission.
Feel free to kill that ish as soon as possible!
jal: I agree 100%. She set herself up for failure when she had the first one with him, but to continue even when your friends and HIS FAMILY were warning you about the stuff he was doing was asking for trouble.
I luh me some Lauryn, but she kind of asked for all the heat she got.
i'm so glad to see there are other black women out there that are experiencing the same thing i go through. sometimes,you think its just you.
i was just thinking last night about how tired i am of being strong all the time. i have no husband (as 70% of black women also do not) i have no boyfriend. my brother lives in DC. my father (and mother) in OK.
so i have to be strong and handle everything in my life. it gets so overwhelming to never have anyone to carry the burden with you.
its cool to be black according to white people. i say, its cool to be a black male. its never been cool to be a black woman.
The strong black woman stereotype is championed because certain black men and the so called black community want us to do all the heavy lifting while they can smile and look good for the camera.
I say to heck with that I have my own life interests and dreams I don't want to work for a fictional community.
I thought community was conglomeration of people working towards one goal not half of the community or one overworked individual I say forget the so called community and work towards your own happiness!
Can be 75 years old and look 45!
Yeah sure is she reaches 75. If she does she won't look 45.
I found this at a Nigerian/Nigerian American discussion forum
Great post as for me. I'd like to read something more about that theme. Thanks for giving that information.
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